Who are we?
Foyer in its original meaning referred to the fireplace area. Nowadays it refers to a specialised lounge used for refreshment and relaxation of the audience during the breaks. Staying true to the meaning of the word, we have built a [co.working] space in the heart of Holešovice in the Vnitroblock area, which is known for its unique café environment and an alley full of interesting shops with different focuses. It is an industrial space of a former hall, where we emphasized the preservation of the original atmosphere and design appearance. Thanks to skylights and large windows, [foyer] has constant daylight. The workstations are equipped with innovative furniture, making our workplaces relaxing and suitable for short and long-term tasks.
[F] was created by a group of friends who decided to bring the best of the co.working environment to Prague and made sure that it became a home for all those who like to develop their ideas, meet new people and share their experiences.